Presseinformationen 3. Februar 1986

Presseinformationen 3. Februar 1986
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    Presseinformationen 3. Februar 1986
  • Beschreibung
    Press Kit. Automatically controlled electronic traction Systems. ASR for commercial vehicles, ASR/4MATIC for cars, Presentation in Rovaniemi, 3rd to 8th February 1986: Comments from Ernst Göhring, Dipl.-Ing. head oft he testing departement for commercial vehicles at Daimler-Benz, on the occasion oft he presentation of the ASR/ABS driving dynamics concept for commercial vehicles. Rovaniemi, February 1986; Acceleration skid control : ASR for commercial vehicles; ASR and ABS Driving Dynamics System for Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vehicle. A contributon to active safety; The ASR system for commercial vehicles. - Technical aspects and function of the ASR Acceleration Skid Control System for Mercedes-Benz Commerical Vehicles; ASD – ASR – 4MATIC for cars: The driving dynamics concept from Daimler-Benz. A new dimension of active safety; 100 years of the automobile. The history of the commercial vehicle: 100 years of the automobile. Daimler-Benz and the history of commercial vehicles. Looking back and taking stock; Slides and photographs
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