- Archivnummer: PRMIT3909
- Titel: Presseinformationen 9. Januar 1968
- Beschreibung: Press Kit. Präsentation „Neue Generation“ in Sindelfingen. The new Mercedes-Benz Generation: Comparison of the programmes; Technical data; Technical drawings; The new taxi; Address of Mr. Rolf Staelin, Member of the Board of Daimler-Benz AG at the presentation of the new Mercedes-Benz Generation of January 9/10th at Sindelfingen; Address of Dr. Joachim Zahn, Speaker of the Board of Daimler-Benz AG at the presentation of the new passenger car program on January 9/10th 1968 at Sindelfingen; Address given by Dr.-Ing. H. Scherenberg, Technical Director of the Board of Directors of DaimlerBenz AG, on the occasion of the presentation of the new Mercedes-Benz car generation to the press in Sindelfingen on January 9/10, 1968
- Seiten: 34
- Themen: