00120418 Welcome to Classic M@RS

Welcome to Classic M@RS

The Mercedes-Benz Corporate Archive is the custodian of a unique treasure-house of almost 140 years of corporate and automotive history. With Classic M@RS (Multimedia Archive and Research System), anybody with an interest can partake of this knowledge covering the heritage of the company, the brand and its products.

All content in the database is processed by the Corporate Archive to ensure historical consistency and continuity. New data are added systematically at specific intervals, depending on availability.
Absolute up-to-dateness is therefore not possible.

Certain fundamental rules (see conditions of use) must be observed to keep this unique service available in this form:

  • All the media made available are subject to copyright and other legislation for the protection of intellectual property. They always remain the property of the respective rights holder. Changes to the media material to create a new copyrighted work are only permitted with the prior written consent of the respective rights holder.
  • Media must not be used without prior consultation. Prior consultation and approval by the Mercedes-Benz Corporate Archive is required for the following uses:
    • Use of the media for advertising or commercial purposes
    • Transfer, copying, editing and use on websites not intended for editorial reporting
    • Use of the media in social media by means of upload, linking or other technical procedures
    • Private use of the media

    Prior approval by the Corporate Archive must be requested in each case:

  • No licence rights to the intellectual property of the Mercedes-Benz Group are granted.
    There is no right to the provision of media.