80 years ago

  • 11 March 1944
  • The Reich Ministry of Aviation decides to relocate the Genshagen aeroengine factory to a gypsum mine near Obrigheim am Neckar. The measure, codenamed "Goldfish" carried out by the SS observing strictest secrecy, was the first transfer of a Daimler-Benz plant to an underground site. On 21 March 500 forced labourers begin construction work in Obrigheim.
  • 6 August 1944
  • The Genshagen plant is the first Daimler-Benz plant to be so heavily damaged by air strikes that production can no longer take place there on any appreciable scale.
  • 5 September 1944
  • Heavy aerial bombardment of the Untertürkheim plant causes damage valued at 30.2 million Reichsmarks and cripples production. The Gaggenau plant suffers the same fate on 10 September, the Sindelfingen plant on 13 September.
  • December 1944
  • The number of foreign workers employed at Daimler-Benz AG factories, many of them forced labourers, reaches a peak of about 27,000. Some 10,500 prisoners of war and concentration camp detainees must be added to this figure. Foreign workers and concentration camp prisoners thus account for around 50 % of the overall workforce.