International records for Caracciola

  • Date
    8 - 14 February 1939
  • Description
    Armed with two Mercedes-Benz 3-litre cars, Rudolf Caracciola breaks several Class D international records on a stretch of motorway near Dessau. First he drives a car with individually streamlined wheels – specially designed for standing starts – to 204.6 km/h over one mile on 8 February and 177.4 km/h over one kilometre on 14 February. On 9 February, driving the car with fully streamlined body, he reaches an average speed of 399.6 km/h for the one mile with flying start.
Mercedes-Benz W 154 streamlined record car with separate streamlined wheel houses (version for standing start), 1939
Mercedes-Benz W 154
Record-breaking attempts on the Dessau-Bitterfeld autobahn, 1939. Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz 12-cylinder W 154 record-breaking car with free-standing wheels.
Record runs Dessau-Bitterfeld, 1939
9 February 1939. Record-breaking attempt on the Dessau-Bitterfeld Reichsautobahn. Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz 12-cylinder W 154 record-breaking car.
Records in Dessau 1939
9 February 1939. Record-breaking attempt on the Dessau-Bitterfeld Reichsautobahn. Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz 12-cylinder W 154 record-breaking car (version for standing start).
Record runs Dessau-Bitterfeld, 1939