Vision SLR

A98F7125 Vision SLR
  • Archive number
  • Caption
    Study for the Gran Turismo of the 21st century
    Vision SLR: the Silver Arrow of tomorrow
    The striking front section with the arrow-shaped nose and the typical double spoilers takes the Formula 1 racing car with which Mika Häkkinen won the 1998 world championship as its model, a formal concept which is repeated variously on the body and in the interior. These Formula 1 looks harmonize with the familiar double headlights of the typical Mercedes four-eyed design which appears in the Vision SLR in a new, unusual interpretation.
    The long and extended hood, the powerful sweep of the wings and the gull-wing doors of the Vision SLR are based on the stylistic ideas of the legendary SL models from the 1950s and their SLR racing variants, in which Juan Manuel Fangio, Rudolf Caracciola and Stirling Moss drove from one victory to the next.
  • Info
    Press kit 1999