Katsutomo Kaneishi

Katsutomo Kaneishi
  • Surname
  • First name
  • Date of birth

This Japanese native of Osaka started in karting at the age of 12 and developed into a well-known protagonist of the Japanese racing scene during the following almost twenty years. By 1985, he had become champion twice in national karting series.

In 1989, he finished fourth in the Formula 3 championship in his home country and then competed sporadically in the Japanese Formula 3000. In 1991, he was runner-up in the Japanese Formula 3 Championship. He then successfully competed in the Japanese Touring Car Championship, the GT500 Championship and Formula Nippon.

in 2003, Kaneishi was signed up by Team Persson for the DTM and competed in an AMG-Mercedes CLK-DTM. In the unfamiliar environment, however, he had a hard time, and 14th place was his best result of the season at the Adria International Raceway.  The following year, Kaneishi was back in Japanese GT racing.
