Gianfranco Brancatelli

Gianfranco Brancatelli
  • Surname
  • First name
    Gianfranco Gaetano
  • Date of birth

Gianfranco Brancatelli, born in Turin, completed the usual path through the junior formulae in monoposto racing as a motorsport novice and even briefly snatched a place in Formula 1 in 1979. But neither with the German Willi Kauhsen Racing Team nor with the team of former Formula 1 driver Arturo Merzario was he able to qualify for a start in a total of three Grand Prix appearances. Brancatelli's career in closed racing cars, on the other hand, was much more successful. In 1985, he became European Touring Car Champion with Volvo.

In 1989, his activities culminated in a second place in the 24 Hours of Le Mans, which he achieved together with his team-mates Mauro Baldi and Kenny Acheson in a Sauber-Mercedes C 9. Brancatelli ended his motorsport career in 1999.
